Please read regarding the school closing January 20-21.

Tonight's varsity girls basketball game at East Buchanan has been cancelled.

King City Tournament Brackets

Preschool Fun 1/14/2022

Winter Senior Night will be on 2/8/22.

Warrior Baseball is right around the corner! Now's the perfect time to grab some awesome gear while also supporting the program.

There will be a Junior Prom fundraiser breakfast from 7-10 am @ Poppa's Saturday, January 8th!

Elementary Awards Assembly has been moved to January 14th.
K-2 8:05 a.m.
3-5 9:15 a.m.

Preschoolers having fun painting snow.

Yearbook group pictures scheduled for 1/5/2022 have been rescheduled for next Wednesday 1/12/2022. Thanks!

• Albany R-III | 'Elementary Art Teacher' | 'Elementary Art' -- (posted 1/4/2022)
The Albany R-III School District is accepting applications for an elementary art teacher position for the 2022-2023 school year. This will be a part time position and could be potentially full time. Our district is on an innovative 4-day school week, offers a competitive salary and benefits package, and provides 1:1 technology for all teachers and students grades K-12. Interested candidates must have Missouri Certification in elementary art or have the ability to obtain certification. Please direct questions to the district office by calling (660) 726-3911.

• Albany R-III | 'Elementary Special Education Teacher' | 'Special Education (K-12)' -- (posted 11/16/2021)
The Albany R-III School District is accepting applications for a K-5 Special Education Teacher opening effective immediately. Albany is a four day week with professional development built in on Mondays. Interested applicants may send a cover letter, resume, certification, and references to jslagle@albany.k12.mo.us. Please direct questions to the district office by calling (660) 726-3911.

• Albany R-III | 'Elementary Teacher' | 'Elementary Education (1-6)' -- (posted 1/4/2022)
The Albany R-III School District is accepting applications for an elementary teacher position for the 2022-2023 school year. This will be an upper grade level position which will be determined closer to the end of this school year. Our district is on an innovative 4-day school week, offers a competitive salary and benefits package, and provides 1:1 technology for all teachers and students grades K-12. Interested candidates must possess current Missouri certification in Elementary 1-6 or have the ability to obtain certification. Please direct your questions to the district office by calling (660) 726-3911.

First snow day!!!!

Certified Position Available:
Albany R-III | 'Athletic Director ' | 'Athletic Director' -- (revised 12/30/2021)
The Albany R-III School District is accepting applications for Athletic Director for the 2022-2023 school year. Our District is on an innovative 4-Day school week, utilizes 1:1 technology, offers a competitive salary and benefits package, and is a Professional Learning Community School. This position will be combined with teaching responsibilities. Valid teaching certificate required at appropriate grade level(s). Coaching opportunities are available. Please send cover letter, resume, and completed application to Mr. Dustin Freeman, Superintendent, 101 W. Jefferson, Albany, MO 64402 or dfreeman@albany.k12.mo.us. District applications are under the Employment tab on the District Website www.albany.k12.mo.us. Inquiries about the position can be fielded by Mr. Dustin Freeman, Superintendent, at dfreeman@albany.k12.mo.us or by calling (660) 726-3911. Albany is an equal opportunity employer.

The 1st Semester Awards Assembly for VEG students has been rescheduled for January 14th. Grades K-2 will be at 8:05 with grades 3-5 to follow. Thank you!

2022 Stanberry Basketball Tournament Bracket

The Albany High School NHS met December 13 for a Christmas Party. They enjoyed good food, good company, and fun games of BINGO for prizes.

Quality outing for Mrs. Ruckman and our Art scholars at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. 💚👩🏻🎨🤩 #ArtistsOfAHS #AHSIsTheBest

The junior class parents are selling Warrior decals for $5 at the Albany Tournament this week! All proceeds will go towards prom! If you’ve got $5, these decals are well worth it!