Vo-Tech is a great opportunity our kids are presented with. It’s always enjoyable to see students take pride in their work and voluntarily show it off to staff members. Great work on those welds Garrett! 💪🏻
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
Fun times at the photo booth during lunch! Aren’t they just adorable? Thank you to the yearbook staff for putting on such a fun activity!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
What a great start to the night. Thank you Mr. Cox for your many years of service to the Albany R-III School District as a coach, AD, and mentor to countless student athletes. You will be missed. Enjoy your retirement!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
PK Screening
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
PK Screening
I stumbled upon a few kiddos taking advantage of our CCE Class offering. Mrs. Paul has done a nice job of running this program in year one. Thank you to BTC Bank and Poppa’s for letting me sneak a few pics! We appreciate all of the communities support with this program!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
Senior Night will take place after the varsity boys game tonight.
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
PK Screening will be held Feb 17 & 18 from 8-5 at the VEG. Please contact Valerie Anthony for more information. Thanks.
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
GRC Basketball Showcase at Milan. Boys play Milan at 10:30 am in the new gym. Adults $5. Students $3
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
GRC Basketball Showcase at Milan. Girls play Gallatin in the old gym starting at 9:00 am. Adults $5. Students $3
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
Forensics class practices lifting fingerprints.
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
High School Forensics class
High School Forensics class
High School Forensics class
High School Forensics class
Class 2 District 16 Basketball Brackets
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
Boys District Bracket
Girls District Bracket
Last week the Kindergarten did snow writing.
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
Coronation was held after the boys game tonight. Congrats to the King Gavin Shoush and his Queen Delaney! The kids looked great tonight!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
Here are a couple more pieces of artwork on display at MOSAIC in Albany!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
Beautiful artwork produced by some of Albany’s finest students! Thank you to our wonderful art teachers for incorporating such a great project into your daily lessons!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
On Saturday Mr. Schisler took some Albany students to the GRC Honor Band Performance! Everyone looked good and sounded great!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
Just a few pics from the morning so far. A few Albany wrestlers and a GOAT sighting on mat number 2.
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
If you’re looking for something to do on a Saturday stop by the Albany Wrestling Meet! We’ve got some talented wrestlers and a TON of bake sale items the junior class is selling for prom!
about 3 years ago, Bill Meiners
2022 HS football signing ceremony
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
HS football signing
HS football signing
HS football signing
2022 HS football signing ceremony
about 3 years ago, Brooke Crawford
HS football signing
HS football signing
HS football signing
HS football signing