TAG students are working on an architecture project. We discussed what architecture is and then they picked an (already existing) structure that they wanted to draw. After drawing they are adding layer of dimension using Styrofoam, tape and glue!
over 2 years ago, Brooke Crawford
AMSHS Weekly Update! https://www.smore.com/saetf
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Need more information about scholarships, college visits, or the ACT? Go to https://www.albany.k12.mo.us/page/counseling-corner
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Hawaiian night tomorrow at the football game against Worth County. Come out and support the Warriors!
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
I’m your host Rhett Hayne with the help of my co-producer Will Berning we welcome you to Getting to know MO (Missouri history and you). In this podcast, we will talk about different people, places, and events in Missouri’s history. So come and join us on our trip through history. We can be found on Spotify and Anchor. https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/jCfrnh0oltb
over 2 years ago, Brooke Crawford
Rhett Haynie and Will Berning
Picture packets went home today. Picture day is 9/15. You can also order online at www.schphoto.net Albany JrSr High passcode: 3517
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Hey Warriors! The students from the Design Thinking class have created Warrior beanies for you! Please fill out the order form if you would like to purchase one! Please have the formed turned in by Friday, September 16th. Thank you for your support! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VZgvFGnROKRRSffHUsVzmmhjLxx50ar0Z4WQj1WtRJc/edit
over 2 years ago, Brooke Crawford
The Junior Class is selling green and white flags to fundraise for prom. Follow the link for more details. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRJRXPEDGG3aonh6AaZJS3iTHHN5pZtnGcmdmK0MfA1LphryfCQnyCJeToOZ-oTT4cnffvgLdhJ-psQ/pub
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Sept 16th is the last day to order a yearbook for $35 and add the optional personalization at a discounted rate. Go to jostens.com/yb23
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Class of 2024 parents, don't forget to attend the meeting September 11th at 7PM in the HS Commons for more information on fundraising for prom.
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
AMSHS 9-9-22 Weekly Update https://www.smore.com/td56v
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Title meeting 9/7 at 4:00 in the Library at VEG. Everyone is invited to attend. We will be planning a fall carnival. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Julie Slagle
AHS Forensic students observing their first "crime scene". They are tasked with solving "The Case of the Lunchbox Bandit"
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Mrs. Rolves' Forensics Class
ATTENTION ALL SENIOR FOOTBALL PARENTS AND PLAYERS if you would like to order a shirt made by our Design Thinking Class please fill out this form by Friday, September 9th. All information is included in the form. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCIyfug3XHGC_8yvWko3XoYNjwqb7kPpxFnkzSTo0B1JTSLg/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 2 years ago, Brooke Crawford
Here's the 1st Edition of AMSHS Weekly Updates. We will post a link every Friday with important information and school happenings. https://www.smore.com/p6eya
over 2 years ago, Barbara Terry
Virginia E George Elementary Fall Portraits 2022 Picture day: Thursday, September 15, 2022 Passcode : 3575 https://schphoto.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/LoginConsumer?EK=201711
over 2 years ago, Brooke Crawford
Adventure Club is now located in the cafeteria, please pick up at the playground entrance.
over 2 years ago, Julie Slagle
Wee Care drop off and pick up will be done in the Wee Care building.
over 2 years ago, Julie Slagle
Please make sure ALL students are registered on Lumen before the first day of school, August 23. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Julie Slagle
Just a reminder that Adventure Club and Wee Care will be closed this Friday, August 19th for staff training. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Julie Slagle